Compensating for
Uncompensated Claims

A patient’s Medicaid benefits and eligibility status can change at any time. Amongst other things, eligibility can initially be denied only to be appealed and approved months later. Patients can also be slow to provide proper documentation delaying the final determination.

The patient’s benefit profile can also change long after eligibility is confirmed. Eligibility can be lost, their scope of benefits can expand or decrease, secondary and tertiary payers can be added and removed.

Unfortunately, the task of monitoring thousands of uncompensated encounters on a daily basis to capture these changes is not only cost-prohibitive, its impractical. As a result, many perfectly good retro-billable opportunities will go unnoticed and expire beyond their respective timely filing periods.

Compensating for
Uncompensated Claims

A patient’s Medicaid benefits and eligibility status can change at any time. Amongst other things, eligibility can initially be denied only to be appealed and approved months later. Patients can also be slow to provide proper documentation delaying the final determination.

The patient’s benefit profile can also change long after eligibility is confirmed. Eligibility can be lost, their scope of benefits can expand or decrease, secondary and tertiary payers can be added and removed.

Unfortunately, the task of monitoring thousands of uncompensated encounters on a daily basis to capture these changes is not only cost-prohibitive, but its impractical. As a result, many perfectly good retro-billable opportunities will go unnoticed and expire beyond their respective timely filing periods.

Everyday… an unpaid encounter within your system becomes eligible for retroactive Medicaid reimbursement!

Everyday… Retro-eligible encounters expire because they weren’t discovered and billed in time!

Stop “Checking” Medicaid Eligibility!

Start Monitoring Medicaid Eligibility!

Increased Medicaid Reimbursements… Guaranteed!

Don't Lose Another Dime In Retroactive Medicaid

Retroactive Medicaid Tracking

The Self-Pay Problem

A patient’s eligibility status can change at any time. While a patient may not have had Medicaid coverage on the date of their original encounter, many times that same patient can go on to become a Medicaid recipient long after their initial visit.

This potentially makes their original encounter with your facility, eligible for Retroactive Medicaid reimbursement. Unfortunately, the task of tracking thousands of historic self-pay encounters on a daily basis to determine Medicaid eligibility is not only cost-prohibitive, its virtually impossible. As a result, many perfectly good retro-billable opportunities will go unnoticed and expire beyond their respective timely filing periods.

Everyday… a Self-Pay encounter within your system becomes eligible for retroactive Medicaid reimbursement!

Everyday… reimbursable Retro-Medicaid encounters expire because they weren’t discovered and billed in time!

RetroCAID Tracking

Since 2013

The RetroCAID Solution

RetroCAID® passively monitors the eligibility status of every uncompensated and sliding fee encounter within your system on a daily basis. Every encounter is monitored daily for 365 days or until it expires past timely filing.

If the eligibility information of any encounter changes, your facility is immediately alerted and provided with the details of the specific change. This  includes all the essential billing information required for reimbursement.

Moving from “checking” retro-eligibility to “monitoring” retro-eligibility has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased Medicaid reimbursements for facilities just like yours throughout the country!

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The Uncompensated Care Solution

Acting as a safety net, RetroCAID® provides daily tracking of every Self-Pay and Sliding Fee encounter within your system. Each encounter is monitored for the full length of its respective timely filing period. The moment an encounter becomes eligible for Retroactive Medicaid, it’s captured and your staff is immediately notified and provided with all of the necessary billing detail required for reimbursement.

The Uncompensated Care Solution

RetroCAID Tracking

Acting as a safety net, RetroCAID® provides daily tracking of every Self-Pay and Sliding Fee encounter within your system. Each encounter is monitored for the full length of its respective timely filing period. The moment an encounter becomes eligible for Retroactive Medicaid, its captured and your staff is immediately notified and provided with all of the necessary billing detail required for reimbursement.

Never Miss Another
Retroactive Medicaid
Opportunity Again!

Daily Tracking

Every uncompensated encounter within your system is monitored daily for the full length of its timely filing period.

Daily Alerts

Automated email alerts notify your billing team whenever an encounter becomes eligible for retroactive Medicaid.

Billing Detail

Each alert includes the Medicaid or MCO billing detail that your billing team needs to submit the encounter for reimbursement.*

*Optional supplemental billing support is available for retroactive claim processing and submission, creating a full end-to-end solution.

Daily Tracking

Every uncompensated encounter within your system is monitored daily for the full length of its timely filing period.

Daily Alerts

Automated email alerts notify your billing team when the eligibility information of any encounter changes.

Billing Detail

Each alert includes the payer specific detail that your billing team needs to submit the encounter for reimbursement.*

No Integration or Remote Access Required      •     Month-to-Month Agreement      •     No Software to Install

Fully Implemented by Phone in Less Than 60 Minutes!

*Optional supplemental billing support is available for retroactive claim processing and submission, creating a full end-to-end solution.

100% Contingency Based Service!

Pay Nothing unless RetroCAID captures retro-eligible encounters and...
more importantly... only after your facility is reimbursed by the payer!

Get Started Today!

Serving Over
Healthcare Facilities

Tracking Over
Self-Pay & Sliding Fee Encounters

Captured & Recovered Over
in Retro-Medicaid For Our Clients

• Federally Qualified Health Centers – FQHC
• FQHC Look-Alikes
• Rural Health Centers – RHC
• Community Health Centers
• Healthcare for the Homeless Facilities

• Hospitals and Health Systems
• Behavioral Health Centers – CCBHC
• Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
• Laboratories and Toxicology Facilities
• Community Dental Care Facilities

Now Serving Over
4,000 Health Facilities
in 49 States, DC and VI!

Help Yourself!

Download our PDFs to learn more about RetroCAID® and see recent results from healthcare facilities just like yours.


Home was last modified: July 31st, 2024 by Fix Healthcare Technology, LLC